What we do?
The Trust aims to advance the Christian faith for the benefit of the public in Wales & England. It does this
by: Organising programmes of physical, educational and other activities for children, young people and adults,
it provides advice and support for young people through Christian youthwork activities, and it also promotes
residential holidays within a Christian setting.
Throughout the year the Trustees aim to achieve these
objectives by: organising and resourcing youthwork activities in the local community & by providing grants &
bursaries to individuals and groups seeking assistance with funding residential visits to Christian
The current Trustees of the charity are: Antony Boot, Peter & Susie Cook & Dave Vernalls.

How do I apply?
Download an application
form, email: [email protected], or call 01341 250 686. Once complete, send your
application to us by either email or post to:
The Antony Boot Charitable Trust (Applications)
Tyddyn Uchaf, Arthog,
LL39 1BZ
For grants and bursaries towards Christian residential holidays:
When making an application the Trustees will look for: a letter of support for your application from a Church Leader or person of standing within your community & a letter of confirmation from the Christian residential venue to confirm your attendance.
For individuals & groups seeking financial assistance towards Youth & Children's activities:
When making an application the Trustees will look for: a letter of support for your application from a Church Leader or person of standing within your community & a letter of confirmation of your proposed attendance from the course leader of the event or activity you hope to be involved in.
Under Data Protection legislation the Trustees of The Antony Boot Charitable Trust are the Data Controller and can be contacted by emailing [email protected] If you complete this 'Contact Us' form we will only retain your name and details for as long as is necessary for us to deal with your enquiry. We will not pass on your details to anyone other than the trustees who will do their best to deal with your enquiry. If you are concerned about the way your information is being handled please speak to our trustees. If you are still unhappy you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.
Follow up
To help with the Charities publicity and to provide information for the Trustees we'd appreciate some feedback after the event to let us know how beneficial it was to you that you received assistance from The Antony Boot Charitable Trust.